dimarts, 23 d’octubre del 2018


MY WORLD 1: My favourite series of my childhood

One of my favourite series is Polseres Vermelles, I love it since I was very little. That series starts on 2011 and it's from TV3. The creator is Albert Espinosa and it’s based on the life of Albert. 
It talks about a group of six kids that live in the hospital: the lider (Lleó), the second lider (Jordi), the girl (Cristina), the clever (Toni), the handsome (Ignasi) and the indispensable (Roc). Lleó and Jordi have cancer and one leg, Cristina has anorexic, Roc is in coma, Toni has Sindrome of Asperger and nobody knows what Ignasi has. The symbol that represents Polseres Vermelles, their group, is a red bracelet. They get one in every surgery they have. Toni say thet he can talk to Roc and he's in a swimmingpool. 
Resultat d'imatges de polseres
During the three seasons, we can see the life of these childs and we see that spending the childhood in the hospital is very hard. It’s a realistic series but it makes you think with their imagination. Polseres Vermelles has some moments to laugh but generaly it makes you cry.

dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2018



My best abilities are bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal and musical for equal. I'm agree with the bodily-kinesthetic because I like sports. I think that I'm good at the relations with other people but I'm bad at the intrapesonal relation. I don't understand why the stick of music is so long, I'm not agree of that because I don't know anything about music. The worst abilities are naturalistic and linguistic, I hate all related with nature but I think that I'm not bad in languages, It's true that I don't like reading or writing but I'm good at languages.

dimarts, 9 d’octubre del 2018


Imatge relacionada

My biggest dream is to travel around the world. I love travelling amd I would like to go to Asia, specially the south of Asia, the zone of Thailand, Taiwan, Philippines... I would like to go to the USA too, because it's very different from Asia and the rest of the world. And the other place I would like to go is South-America, like Cuba, Venezuela and stay in Brasil in carnival.

The problem is that I need a lot of money for this, and it's difficult to earn it. It haven't got a solution, the only thuing I can do is study a lot to get a good job amb when I earn money I could travel. Another solution is to travel with just a few coins, and find my way. The most important qualities I need to do my dream real are be courageous and brave, because some of this countries are a little bit dangerous, strong-willed, determined and generous with the people from there, because in this type of countries, specially in Asia, people use to be very sociable and generous.


MY WORLD 2:  MY SUMMER 2019 This summer, it will be the best one of my life. My birthday is on December so I am not 16 yet, it means tha...